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Showing posts from March, 2010

South Dakota School of Mines: 1908

Number of graduates is increasing: from 1888 to 1901 five people graduate, from 1901 to 1908 forty-one graduate with thirty of them graduating in the last three years. [Tenth Biennial Report of the Regents of Education of the State of South Dakota to the Governor for the Biennial Period Ending June 30, 1908, Fiscal Years 1907, 1908. pg. 120]

South Dakota School of Mines: March 27, 1917

March 27 - Regents authorize President O'Harra to offer Rapid City all available space in the School of Mines on account of the destruction of the Rapid City High School building by fire. [Fifteenth Biennial Report of the Regents of Education of the State of South Dakota to the Governor for the Biennial Period Ending June 30, 1918, Fiscal Years 1916-17, 1917-18. pt.1, pg. 173]

South Dakota School of Mines: March 18, 1938

Confirmation is received that Dr. John Hancher , first graduate, would become first 50 year graduate to return to School of Mines. He delivered the Baccalaureate Sermon marking the fiftieth anniversary of his graduation. May, 1968 - President Fraser institutes a new tradition of awarding 50 year certificates, first ones given to the class of 1918 [Stymiest, Ruth Anne. "Centennial: An Illustrated History, 1885-1985". 1985, pg. 120]

South Dakota School of Mines: 1924

June 30 - Regents resolve to remove all High School level courses from Regents institutions and leave the teaching of those course to the High Schools. Regents also resolve that no student shall be admitted to any institution of higher education who has not satisfactorily completed in an accredited high school. Years of completion are Ninth Grade by June 30, 1925, Tenth grade by 1926, Eleventh grade by 1927 and Twelfth grade thereafter. [Eighteenth Biennial Report of the Regents of Education of the State of South Dakota to the Governor for the Biennial Period Ending June 30, 1924, Fiscal Years 1922-23, 1923-24, pt. 2, pgs. 114]

My Knovel - Know more & Search less

Are you using Knovel? Knovel now has many new options with My Knovel. New Features for Students & Faculty: • My Bookshelf – Users can save frequently used titles and organize them into folders they create • My Saved Searches – Users can save search queries and re-execute them with one click • My Saved Content – Users can save and organize search results and other content into the folders they create My Knovel video

Dakota School of Mines: March 1885

1885 March 17 - Territorial Governor Gilbert A. Pierce signs Council Bill #57 authorizing the new Dakota School of Mines [Stymiest, Ruth Anne. "Centennial: An Illustrated History, 1885-1985". 1985, pg. 4-5 & 180-181 - Kramer, J. Howard. "Highlights of the History of Public Higher Education in South Dakota". 197?, pg 16] (Stymiest says 7th, Kramer says 17th)