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Showing posts from July 23, 2007

Make the goodreads connection @ your library

The Devereaux Library is using goodreads to host our Acquisitions List and our new Reader's Advisory Service. What is Reader's Advisory? Quite simply, it is the act of putting people together with the books they love. Librarians, booksellers, literature teachers—anyone in the business of helping readers find the books they love—are readers' advisers . In other words, when you recommend a book to someone, you are participating in readers' advisory. From: Several Devereaux Library staff members have ranked lists of books they have enjoyed and added them to goodreads along with the "new_books_2007" shelf. We invite you to look around . If you'd like to join us reading, ranking and reviewing, click and become a friend. Once you are a friend you can choose to receive updates (by email or rss feed) of n...