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Showing posts from September 23, 2009

The Flu

"On the evening of Sept. 28, it became apparent that something was not just right with a few of the men, and upon examination of the entire company (150 men), about 15 of the fellows were sent to the hospital with the pleasing information that they had the 'flu'" by noon the following day twenty-three were hospitalized. "At the end of six days out of the entire Company all but fifteen or sixteen were sick." "Until the first death in camp, our life in the hospital had its humorous sick as well as sober. For a few days we were able to enjoy our usual army jubilees, a birthday party. A cloak of gloom seemed to spread over the camp though when our first comrade passed away, and so it was until we were all out of quarentine once more. The loss of five of our comrades namely: Robert Small, Helmer and Levi Casper, Irwin Powell, and Joseph Nevill was a great blow to the Company." The Pahasapa Quarterly. Dec 1918. pp 59-63.,5...