It’s been 36 years or so since computerized literature searches were first available at Devereaux Library. Back then library research was a cumbersome process: You could pour over paper indexes, 3x5 cards in hand OR you could make an appointment with a librarian to plan a strategy, do a search, printed now or wait for the (snail) mail to bring them to you – and pay handsomely for the results. Results were only citations, you still needed to find the paper(s) you were interested in. Back to the librarian for more help! Today you can do your own searches, anytime, anywhere AND you can see your results immediately. Often, you can access the articles right away, too. But, for best results, you still need to choose the right databases and master the workings of that database... YES, it can still be cumbersome, and YES librarians are still here to help! Visit the Devereaux Library Electro...
the newsletter for the library at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology